This game comes to us from 1970 Beograd between Bent Larsen and Boris Spassky. Larsen played a hypermodern opening as white, and things just didn't work out as he wanted to. White has just played 14.Rg1 when Spassky made chess history by responding with 14...Rh1! Fantastic move, and definitely one that should be included in chess' greatest moments. Spassky took advantage of his weak but advanced G pawn. Larsen played 15. Rh1 g2 16. Rf1 giving back the sacrificed rook ( 16. Rg1 Qh4+ 17. Kd1 Qh1 18. Qc1 Qg1+ 19. Kc2 Qc1+ Bc1 and black will win ). Spassky continued his attack with 16...Qh4+ 17. Kd1 Gf1(Q)+ and Larsen resigned. If 18. Bf1, then 18...Bg4+ 19. Kc1 Qe1+ 20. Qd1 Qd1 mate.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Kasparov - Spassky
Linares , 1990
Nimzo-Indian Defense
It's quite enjoyable to follow this game between Kasparov and Spassky in Linares with just enough analysis for the average player. This game illustrates how good Kasparov was, probably not as good anymore since retiring several years ago. Like many things, if you don't use it, it goes to pot. But, Kasparov and Fischer are probably the greatest players ever to play the game. This game gives us an idea of how deep Kasparov's analysis can be, noting that there are more lines to this game than the ones explored here.
Linares , 1990
Nimzo-Indian Defense
It's quite enjoyable to follow this game between Kasparov and Spassky in Linares with just enough analysis for the average player. This game illustrates how good Kasparov was, probably not as good anymore since retiring several years ago. Like many things, if you don't use it, it goes to pot. But, Kasparov and Fischer are probably the greatest players ever to play the game. This game gives us an idea of how deep Kasparov's analysis can be, noting that there are more lines to this game than the ones explored here.