Fancy Footwork by Bishop and Queen
Up against a highly rated player, I managed to somehow achieve a positional advantage by keeping the initiative and well considered exchanges along the E file. Black's bishop was hemmed in, blocked by his own pawns, functioned no better than a mere pawn. Black's weak white squares played a key role in his defeat particularly the g8, h7, and g6 squares.
In order to relieve the pressure, Black played 27...Qf6 to offer an exchange of Queens. Not a fool, Black relinquished control of g8 knowing that his King can find refuge on g6 where he can team up with the Black Queen guarding the f7 square.
But, there was a move that Black missed. The player who calculates better comes out the winner--an obvious, no-brainer, dictum in Chess.
White moved 28. Qg8+, Kg6.
This is the move that spoiled Black's plans, 29. Qe8+. Black safeguarded against 29. Bf7+ which would not be possible with his King at g6 and Queen at f6.
The rest went 29... Kh7 30. Bg8+ ( Not 30. Qg8+ )
Black's only move 30... Kh8 , setting up a discovered check by White, with 31. Bf7+
Almost there, 31... Kh7. The coup de grace followed with 32. Qg8 ++ mate.
The theme, in this attack, focused on a bad Bishop and weak squares around one's king position.
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