Saturday, April 28, 2018

Smoke and Mirrors

There are times when some trickery gets you out of a bind. Trickery dumbs down the technique. Counter-attack would be the appropriate word effecting a great escape. Fischer described Emmanuel Lasker's play as "Smoke and mirrors."  That's pejorative. In fact, Lasker eked out wins and draws through well calculated combinations. 

Immediately after playing 12... Bc5, I saw that thematic attack on a queen that suspends all other threats, consequently losing a piece, since the threat must first be addressed. You might say that I took a big gulp down my throat. 

Well, as the old adage implores us to do, that counter-attack is the best defense, after 13. Na4, I responded with 13...Nd4! In one move, White's queen went under attack with a check to follow, and the knight on a4 hung for the taking. 

If 14.Nb6, capturing my queen, then 14... Ne2+ 15.Be2 ab6 and that's about even material. The game went 14.Nd4 Ba4. Not bad at all. However, White throws away a good game with 15.Bb5+? Bb5  16.Nb5 Be3  17.Nd6+ Ke7  Here, if 18.Qe3, then 18...Qe3  19.fe Ne5 with a good game for Black.

If 18.ef, then 18...Ne5 and Black is better since the knight on d6 needs to escape via the b5 square. In the meantime, Black can line up his rooks on the C file. So, Black neutralized that dreadful 13.Na4. How is that for pulling rabbits out of a hat?


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