This was black's French Defense gone awry, having allowed white a decisive space advantage on the kingside with all of black's pieces bottled up behind a wall of pawns, including the proverbial bad bishop. Black made a dash for freedom with 29...Ra8-Rd8 (diagram).
The object, of course, is the pawn on d4 after the rook takes the bishop on d6. Black gets some counterplay once his queen penetrates into white's position. But I had some tricks of my own, and sprung 30. Bf5 on my opponent. My opponent concentrated on which pawn to capture my bishop with that he missed a better reply in 30... Nd4, a sac of his own. Taking my bishop with 30... ef5 makes 31. Qd5+ possible and white will win 31...Qf7 32. Rg6+. So, he took with the G pawn, 30...gf5, and expected 31. Re6 in return. However, the h5 square is now undefended and I played 31. Qh5 instead. This was the winning move. The game went 31... Rd6 32. Qe8+ Qf8 33. Rh8+ Kh8 34. Qf8+ Kh7 and then 35. ed6. 1-0
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