I was playing my third and last round of the Ernest Marx Memorial 2009 at the Dumont Chess Mates when my opponent played 14. Qd2-Qg4. It sure looked like a strong move, initially, but it actually leads to a bad game for white. I countered with 14...Nf4 and white is in trouble. The queen exchange on f6 will lose the bishop on e2 with a check. White could try 15. Rfe1, but after 15...Ne2+ 16. Re2 Qa1+ black is completely winning. If white plays 16. Kf1 instead, then 16...Bf3 17. Qf6 gf6 18. gf3 Nd4 and black is a piece up. In the game, white carelessly played 15. Bd1 and after 15...Qa1 16. Qf4 black was winning. Fritz, however, improved on the line with 15...Nh3+ 16. gh3 Qa1.
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