Friday, August 03, 2007

Onischuk -
Magnus Carlsen finally emerged as the winner of Biel 2007, but only after some very hard work. He almost threw it all away by losing two games in a row against Pelletier and Van Wely but defeated the leader Teimour Radjabov to tie for first place along with the American champion Alexander Onischuk.
Carlsen and Onischuk went into tie-break by playing two 15-min games ( drawn ) and then two 5+2 blitz games ( also drawn ). So, the fifth and final game had Onischuk with white and 5-mins while Carlsen had 4-mins but with draw odds. In other words, white had to win while black only has to draw if not win at all.
So, here is the much talked about queen sac by Carlsen to win the match and tournament. Onischuk played 40. Rg1 attacking the queen, but Carlsen came crashing in with 41... Qg1! 42. Kg1 d2 43. Qh5 Bc2 and Carlsen gets his queen back.


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