Friday, August 31, 2007

Well, it is that time of the year again. Summer comes to an end, but we are looking at three months of pleasant Fall weather. Soon, it will be time to check the foliage map, and drive out there to see the colors change. It's not too bad that Summer's gone. There's Thanksgiving, Halloween, and the holiday season in December. I didn't finish the book I chose for my summer reading, but I will get to the end of it soon. This weekend, we salute the working people of America.

I remember in 1978, still a young man back then, I walked up 5th Avenue in Manhattan, straight to the New York Public Library's main building, and asked to be employed. I was interviewed, and sent uptown to the Performing Arts Research Center at Lincoln Center for another interview. By 12 noon, I was an employee and working a job. Thirty years ago, that was.

To all my readers from America, I wish you a great and happy Labor Day weekend.


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