World Open
Valley Forge,
Banawa -
Joel Banawa, one of the rising stars on the Philippine-American chess scene, is seen here with the white pieces against a 1900 player. Kudos to Mr. Spigel for even reaching this late stage of the game against a player rated approximately 500 points above him. The question is clear: how does white roll his two passed pawns down the A and B files? Black's weak D pawn stands out like a wart on a bald head, and the bishop on c8 has no more freedom than an inmate at the state prison. So, you've got a couple of ideas there.
The game went 52... Nd7 53. Ke3 ( white is already thinking of the black king's entry into his queenside and also the chance that the C pawn could make a dash for promotion ) Nf6 pressure on the e4 pawn, but black really has no good alternatives. White played 54. Nc6 which attacks the bishop that supports for the d6 pawn and also leaves an open road for the A pawn... Kb7 55. Nb8 Kb8 56. Nd6 and game over.
Supporting the d6 pawn in the first place does not change black's fate much. Say, 52. Kd7 53. Nc6 Kc8 54. a5 Kb7 55. Nb8 Kb8 56. Nd6 and game over.
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