As is often the case with me, and perhaps with you too, my continuation is not what the computer prescribed! From this position, I played 1... Qf5. I decided that the rook check on h1 can wait and if white tries to sneak out of that jam by Ke2 there is always Re8. White will have to sac his knight cover the skewer on the queen and king. Nasty stuff. My move places the queen in the area of conflict, with some pressure on the d3 square plus support for Bf4, attacking the white queen, kinda scrambling the position, and maybe creating a bit more tactical possibilities for black. This was a blitz game, 5/0.
First, let's see how the game went. After 1... Qf5, play continued with 2. Nb3, Re8 and white resigned. Obviously, white lost interest. Anyway, another line was 1... Re8 2. Qg1, Qe6 [ threatening mate on e2 ] 3. Ne4, de4 4. fe4, Qa6+ and black should be able to win from here.
Let's look at the check on h1. If I played 1... Rh1+ , the game would have continued with 2. Ke2, Re8 3. Qe8+ [ white can only hope to get two rooks for his queen ] Qe8+ and the black rook on h1 will not be en prise. So, 3. Ne4 will result in 3... de4 4. Rh1, ef + 5. Kf3, Re3+ 6. Ke3 and black should be able to win this endgame.
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